This chicken always turns out juicy and tender with robust flavor. Are you tired of the same old boring chicken? Try this one! It is so easy to prepare...
While this may take a while to cook, it is by far my favorite dish. I have been very frustrated with ordering Steak au Poivre when dining out only to find...
Chicken breast cubes are simmered with onions and mushrooms in a rich peanut butter sauce. This recipe is delicious served over your choice of rice, noodles...
I love the flavor of green enchiladas, but sometimes I don't love rolling all the tortillas, lol! Here is a casserole that gives that great, tangy flavor,...
This dish is baked boneless chicken breasts or chicken tenders covered with cream of chicken soup. Chicken, creamy chicken, everywhere! If desired, serve...
Growing up, chicken schnitzel was a classic. I decided to make this dish oven-friendly using less oil, and an easier cleanup. This dish tastes great with...
A savory autumn stew with apple, red potatoes, onion and seasoning. This is a very easy tasty chicken dish I concocted when I was trying to think of a...
Dates are stuffed with blue cheese, wrapped in bacon and baked until crisp. These are delicious and very easy to make for a party. You can serve them at...
Pork and sauerkraut is the traditional New Year's Day meal here in Pennsylvania Dutch Land. This is my rendition of that holiday meal. I usually serve...
This technique keeps the meatloaf moist, while fortifying the sauce with its flavorful drippings. Regardless, this technique will work with just about...
'Huli Huli Chicken' (turn, turn) was invented by Ernest Morgado when he cooked teriyaki chicken for a group of farmers in 1955. This has been a Hawaiian...
A wonderful meat loaf that is fairly easy to make. Pairs well with a variety of side dishes. This can be a meal in itself or can be served with mashed...
This is a fairly authentic version of the popular Salvadorean dish. It does take some time, however it is well worth the effort! You can purchase pre-made...
This is the only way to cook bratwurst in Wisconsin. The brats are incredibly tasty! If you can get fresh bratwurst from a sausage shop, do it... it is...
This recipe for maple-brined pork roast is a delicious way for you to experience just how easy a simple brine really is. I love the way the meat gets infused...
This warm and hearty chicken dinner is perfect for the fall. Onions are simmered in apple cider and chicken stock before being baked with chicken thighs,...
This is a colorful, exciting, sheet pan sausage and vegetable dish that everyone will love. Try a mix of sausages: Italian, chorizo, Merguez, andouille,...
A mixture of pasta, broccoli, pesto, tomatoes and cheese that is practically a meal in itself, especially with the cooked chicken. Great served with crusty...
Sticky ribs come out tender and delicious with no pre-boiling involved. Just mix up the sauce and bake. Everyone loves them! You can bake right away or...
This chicken is quick, simple, delicious and has an elegant presentation! If you don't have prosciutto handy you can use bacon. Make it really special...